
Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Since many of our members are not primarily based in Delhi, I thought of starting I Questions (Internet Questions) where anybody can raise questions and quiries about Buddhism. I am sure all of us have so many doubts and unclear perceptions on Buddhism. whether its a basic concepts or a highly philosophical one, which needs to be clarify. Here is the forum where you can ask Geshe la to clear your doubts.

I will forward your questions to Geshe Dorjee Damdul la and hope Geshe la will give the answer your quiries on Buddhism.

I would request all to strictly ask your questions related to Buddhism. Any unrelated questions will be discarded and moderated.

Once again, let me remind you that our 2nd Buddhist Talk by Geshe la on 'Introduction of Comprehensive Buddhism' will be on 06.30pm, sunday, 06 June 2010 at Japan Gompa, East of Kailash, New Delhi.

Anyone can post their quiries on Buddhism in this blog. Hope to get piles of quiries.

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