
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

17 Point Agreement: Turning point in Tibetan History

I am just working to find a resource person for a talk title: 17 Point Agreement: Turning point in Tibetan history on 23 May 2010 coinciding with the 59th anniversary of this infamous agreement signed between the Tibetan Government and the Chinese Government in Peking on 23 May 1951.

If incase, we couldn't find a resource person on this topic, we shall have an interactive discussion on this same topic. This topic with the turning point in Tibetan history does not only refer to the past but also can imply on future status of Tibet.

Whosoever is coming for the session, I would like to request you to kindly study the background of this agreement.

For informations, refer these links related to 17 Point Agreement:



3) (Fact about 17 Point Agreement by DIIR, CTA) This book will be distributed during the session.


If any of you are interested to know more about 17 Point Agreement, I have some more articles in pdf.

The date for the session is fixed on 23 May, and I will inform you about the timing and the venue.

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